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Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology


FUJII Daisuke

FUJII Daisuke
FUJII, Daisuke
Affiliation and course name
Electronics,Information and Communication Engineering Course
Master of Economics
Research field
Applied Informatics, Management Informatics, Cognitive Science
Research keywords
Computer literacy, electronic circuit, cognitive process of human(learning, music, literature, etc.)

Research theme

I am in charge of experiment class in the electronics, informatics and communication systems and computer literacy class. The situation surrounding ICT is changing dramatically day by day. The experiment and exercise class are; 1) to think about what is important in such torrent of changes, 2) to confirm it with one's hands and eyes. Since the experiment class in our Department are based on small groups, they also serve as hands-on training to work together. We will provide adequate guidance about from equipment operations to writing reports.

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