6th ACM/IEEE International Conference on




Robots with Children: Practices for Human-Robot Symbiosis

EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

March 6, 2011



 On considering symbiosis of humans and robots, its benefits and risks should be taken into account for persons in weaker positions of the society, in particular, children. On the other hand, several robotics applications have been developed, including education and welfare for children. In this stage, it is important that more researchers from interdisciplinary research fields, including robotics, computer science, psychology, sociology, and pedagogy, share an opportunity to discuss about the potential of “robots with children”.

 This half-day workshop aims at providing with the forum where researchers from these interdisciplinary fields discuss about how symbiosis of robots and children should and can be realized, from the perspectives of engineering, psychology, education, and welfare.



 The workshop has invited sessions with representative professionals and general sessions consisting of submissions from several fields indicated as follows:

l  Psychological issues related to child-robot interaction:
Developmental psychology, social psychology, educational psychology, and ethnographical research on robots with children

l  Educational engineering using robots,:
E-learning and R-learning

l  Economical and sociological issues related to child-robot interaction

l  Philosophical and ethical issues related to child-robot interaction

l  Realistic applications of robots with children



l  14:00~14:10: Opening (Naomi Miyake)

l  14:10~16:10: Invited Session

Ø  Care-Receiving Robot and Telerobotics to Reinforce Children’s Learning by Teaching and Communication Skills. Fumihide Tanaka (Tsukuba University, Japan)

Ø  r-Learning and Practical Issues of Robots with Children. Jeonghye Han (Cheonju National University of Education, Korea)

Ø  Robotics and Children’s Play: A Therapeutic Perspective. Ben Robins and Kerstin Dautenhahn (University of Hertfordshire, UK)

Ø  Robots as a Research Partner for Promoting Young Children’s Collaborative Learning. Naomi Miyake (University of Tokyo, Japan)

l  16:10~16:30: Break

l  16:30~17:45: General Session

Ø  Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction with Young Users. Tony Belpaeme (University of Plymouth, UK)

Ø  Children’s Perception of a Robotic Companion in a Mildly Constrained Setting. Marco Nalin (Scientific Institute H San Raffaele, Italy)

Ø  The Chanty Bear: Toward a Robot Teaching English to Children. Kotaro Funakoshi (Honda Research Institute Japan)

Ø  Sharing a Secret: Interactions between a Child, Robot, and Adult. Cindy Bethel (Yale University, USA)

Ø  Absence of Anthropomorphic Bias in Autistic Children. Thierry Chaminade (Mediterranean Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, France)

l  17:45~18:00: Discussion



l  Naomi Miyake: Univ. Tokyo, Japan

l  Hiroshi Ishiguro: Osaka Univ., Japan

l  Kerstin Dautenhahn: Univ. Hertfordshire, UK

l  Tatsuya Nomura: Ryukoku Univ., Japan


The workshop is supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research “Founding a creative society via collaboration between humans and robots”, and in part by the European funded (FP7) research project “Living with Robots and Interactive Companions” (LIREC).